Unique materials and style drawn from 40 years experience as an architect/builder; influenced, colored, and shaped by philosophical implications of Taoist spiritualism, theoretical physics, and plain old American naturalism.

This is “outsider” art at its purist – untrained, untaught, and stubbornly resistant to how “real” artists make art.View my portfolio

Paintings are predominately lacquer based (a material which behaves very differently from traditional oil and acrylics).  Substrates range from plywood to galvanized metal to woodcrete (my own formula for plaster made from sawdust and cement)… I’ve yet to paint on a canvas. Sculptures, lamps, furnishings, and picture frames are primarily salvaged materials (I abhor waste!) which are tung oiled or lacquered depending on affect desired.

Feel free to peruse my portfolio for ideas.  With over 30 years of building, crafting, and artistic experience, chances are if you can dream it, I can create it.  There are a number of places around Central Texas where you can Find My Work.